C. C. Barton 

Fine Art


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Private Roads:  Taos Morning

(Text of the poem below)

Three Plates  /   Paper Dimension: 12" x 9"

Hand-colored Etching on Handmade Watercolor Paper

with Original Poetry

Edition: 100 + 15  Artist  Proofs


$450 + Shipping


Private Roads:  Taos Morning


                                        It was the road itself

                                        that made me walk it.


                                        A cut of smooth earth,

                                        a corridor ~ opening

                                        to the tall green rhythm of trees.


                                        Walking into the alchemy

                                        of the hot morning sun

                                        and the cold crisp air,

                                        I round the bend and disappear


                                        into the very breath of God.

© C.C. Barton